Wang Yongcai is an Associate Professor and Ph.D. advisor at the Department of Computer Science, Renmin University of China (RUC). He also serves as the Deputy Head of the Computer Science Department and the Director of the Research and Discipline Construction Committee at the School of Information, RUC.
He received both his bachelor's and Ph.D. degrees from the Department of Automation at Tsinghua University, under the supervision of Professors Zheng Dazhong and Zhao Qianchuan. Wang is an executive member of several committees, including the CCF Technical Committee on Intelligent Robotics, the CCF Technical Committee on the Internet of Things, the Technical Committee on DEDS of the Chinese Association of Automation, SIGBED China, and the Technical Committee on Cognitive and Information Processing of CAAI.
His main research areas include multi-agent systems, visual spatial computing, Spatial AI, collaborative perception, SLAM, and large-scale graph computing and mining. He has published over 120 papers in renowned journals and conferences, including more than 50 CCF A and B category papers. His research has been applied in fields such as intelligent vehicles, smart ships, and visual object detection and localization.
Wang has led several projects funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, as well as sub-projects of the National Science and Technology Support Program and various enterprise projects. In 2021, he received the First Prize of the Technical Invention Award from the China Institute of Navigation for his work on maritime target localization. In 2022, he was awarded the Second Prize for Scientific and Technological Progress by the same institute and received the Major Innovation Achievement Award from the Ministry of Transport.
He serves as a PC Members and reviewers for leading journals and conferences such as NeurIPS, WWW, ACM MM, TON, and TMC.
NEW: Recent report in Chinese.
⏱2024. 12. 08. 智能航运感知数据集整理, 2024人工智能与自主式交通国际学术会议
⏱2024. 12. 04. 多智能体协同感知研究进展, 中国人民大学计算机系第十届学术节
⏱2024. 10. 28. 视觉里程计从图优化到深度学习优化的发展, 中国自动化学会DEDS专委会报告
⏱2024. 08. 02.无人机MOT与多机协同感知相关工作介绍, 华为北研所报告
⏱2024. 07. 09. 多智能体协同SLAM的后端图优化关键问题研究, 学术报告
⏱2025.02.26. CVPR2025 +2, Congratulations to Hongyu and Shuo🎉.
⏱2025.01.28. ICRA2025 +1, Congratulations to Kang🎉.
⏱2025.01.20. WWW2025 +1, Congratulations to Xiaowei🎉.
⏱2024.11.28. TVCG +1, Congratulations to Hualong🎉.
⏱2024. 11. 8. Hongyu Sun and Haoyu Liu win National Scholarship, Congratulations🎉.
⏱2024.09.26. NeurIPS 2024 +1, Congratulations to Hongyu🎉.
⏱2024.08.02. SIGMOD 2025 +1, Congratulations to Xiaojia and Haoyu🎉.
⏱2024.07.26. ACM Multimedia 2024 +3, Congratulations to Zhe Huang, Shuo Wang, and Xudong🎉.
⏱2024.07.26. RoCo: Robust Cooperative Perception By Iterative Object Matching and Pose Adjustment is selected as ACM Multimedia 2024 Oral 3.97%, Congratulaitons to Zhe Huang, 🎉
⏱2024.05.06. TVCG +1, , "DMS: Low-overlap Registration of 3D Point Clouds with Double-layer Multi-scale Star-graph" is accepted by TVCG, , Congratulations to Hualong🎉. Codes are released.
⏱2024.03.20. TVCG +1, “VSFormer: Mining Correlations in Flexible View Set for Multi-view 3D Shape Understanding” is accepted by TVCG, Congratulations to Hongyu🎉. Codes are released.
⏱2024.02.05. TON+1, "Understanding Hidden Knowledge in Generic Graphs" is accepted by IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, Congratulations to Haodi🎉
⏱2024.01.29. ICRA2024 +1, Parameter-efficient Prompt Learning for 3D Point Cloud Understanding is accepted by ICRA2024, Congratulations to Hongyu🎉
⏱2024.01.29. ICRA2024 +1, DroneMOT: Drone-based Multi-Object Tracking Considering Detection Difficulties and Simultaneous Moving of Drones and Objects is accepted by ICRA2024, Congratulations to Wang Peng🎉.
⏱2024.01.29. ICRA2024 +1, VOLoc: Visual Place Recognition by Querying Compressed Lidar Map is accepted by ICRA2024, Congratulations to Xudong🎉.
⏱2023.12.08, ICDE2024 +1, [Bottom-up k-Vertex Connected Component Enumeration by Multiple Extension](RIPPLE/RIPPLE.pdf) is accepted by ICDE 2024, Congratulations to Haoyu🎉. Codes are released.
⏱2023.06.21, TOSN+1, InferLoc: Hypothesis-based Joint Edge Inference and Localization in Sparse Sensor Networks is accepted by ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks, Congratulations to Xuewei🎉
⏱2023.06.11, TON+1, EMI: An Efficient Algorithm for Identifying Maximal Rigid Clusters in 3D Generic Graphs is accepted by IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, Congratulations to Qinhan🎉
"Machine Perception" , Graduate Professional Course
Course materials, including lecture notes、assignments、must read papers、recommended papers on FeiShu
"Algorithm Design and Analysis II Honors Course", Undergraduate Course
"Operations Research Modeling and Algorithms," , Undergraduate Course
"Graph Optimization and Graph SLAM," Short-Term Course
"Ubiquitous Computing," 2016, 2017, 2018
• Intelligent agent systems • Visual spatial computing • Spatial AI • Collaborative perception • SLAM (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping) • Large-scale graph computation and mining
• Student Types: Research-oriented undergraduate early talent, Master's (both academic and professional), Direct Ph.D., Ph.D., and Engineering Ph.D.
• Requirement and Expectation: Strong learning ability, proficient in English (listening, speaking, reading, writing), strong programming skills, self-driven, keen interest in the above-mentioned research directions, adept at independent thinking.
• Bonus Points: Priority given to candidates with research paper publications, submissions, or significant competition awards.
• Contact: Please feel free to send your resume or self-introduction to I look forward to hear from you.
• Hongyu Sun, Qiuhong Ke, Yongcai Wang*, Wang Chen, Kang Yang, Deying Li, Jianfei Cai, A Prompt Learning Based Regulation Framework for Generalizable Point Cloud Analysis, NeurIPS 2024, Vancouver Convention Center, Canada Dec. 10 - Dec. 15 ( CCF A) , codes:
• Xiaojia Xu, Haoyu Liu, Xiaowei Lv, Yongcai Wang*, Deying Li, An Efficient and Exact Algorithm for Locally h-Clique Densest Subgraph Discovery, SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data (2025) ( CCF A), codes:
• Zhe Huang, Shuo Wang, Yongcai Wang*, Wanting Li, Deying Li, Lei Wang, RoCo: Robust Cooperative Perception By Iterative Object Matching and Pose Adjustment, ACM Multimedia 2024. (Oral 3.97%, CCF A), codes:
• Shuo Wang, Yongcai Wang*, Zhimin Xu, Yongyu Guo, Wanting Li, Zhe Huang, Xuewei Bai, Deying Li, GSLAMOT: A Tracklet and Query Graph-based Simultaneous Locating, Mapping, and Multiple Object Tracking System ACM Multimedia 2024. (CCF A) , codes:
• Xuedong Cai, Yongcai Wang*, Lun Luo, Minhang Wang, Deying Li, Jintao Xu, Weihao Gu, Rui Ai, PRISM: PRogressive dependency maxImization for Scale-invariant image Matching, ACM Multimedia 2024. ( CCF A), codes:
• Xudong Cai,Yongcai Wang*,Xuewei Bai,Deying Li: Survey on Visual Relocalization in Prior Map. Journal of Software, 2024, 35(2): 975-1009,DOI: 10.13328/j.cnki.jos.006946 (CCF A, in Chinese)
• Hualong Cao, Yongcai Wang*, Deying Li, DMS: Low-overlap Registration of 3D Point Clouds with Double-layer Multi-scale Star-graph, IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 2024. doi: 10.1109/TVCG.2024.3400822 (CCF A)
• Hongyu Sun, Yongcai Wang*, Peng Wang, Haoran Deng, Xudong Cai and Deying Li: VSFormer: Mining Correlations in Flexible View Set for Multi-view 3D Shape Understanding, IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 2024. doi: 10.1109/TVCG.2024.3381152 (CCF A)
• Hongyu Sun, Yongcai Wang*, Wang Chen, Haoran Deng, Deying Li, Parameter-efficient Prompt Learning for 3D Point Cloud Understanding, ICRA 2024, Yokohama May 13th to 17th(CCF B)
• Peng Wang, Yongcai Wang*, Deying Li, DroneMOT: Drone-based Multi-Object Tracking Considering Detection Difficulties and Simultaneous Moving of Drones and Objects, ICRA 2024, Yokohama, Japan, May 13-17, 2024(CCF B)
• Xudong Cai, Yongcai Wang*, Zhe Huang, Yu Shao, Deying Li, VOLoc: Visual Place Recognition by Querying Compressed Lidar Map, ICRA 2024, Yokohama May 13th to 17th(CCF B)
• Xuewei Bai, Yongcai Wang*, Haodi Pin, Xiaojia Xu, Deying Li, Shuo Wang: InferLoc: Hypothesis-Based Joint Edge Inference and Localization in Sparse Sensor Networks. ACM Trans. Sens. Networks 20(1): 8:1-8:28 (2024)(CCF B)
• Wanting Li, Yongcai Wang*, Yongyu Guo, Shuo Wang, Yu Shao, Xuewei Bai, Xudong Cai, Qiang Ye, Deying Li: ColSLAM: A Versatile Collaborative SLAM System for Mobile Phones Using Point-Line Features and Map Caching. ACM Multimedia, 2023, 9032-9041 (CCF A)
• Qinhan Wei, Yongcai Wang*, Deying Li: EMI: An Efficient Algorithm for Identifying Maximal Rigid Clusters in 3D Generic Graphs. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking 32(1), 460-474, 2024, doi: 10.1109/TNET.2023.3287822 (CCF A)
• Haoyu Liu, Yongcai Wang*, Xiaojia Xu, Deying Li: Bottom-up k-Vertex Connected Component Enumeration by Multiple Extension, ICDE 2024, Utrecht Netherlands , May 13-17, 2024 (CCF A)
• Haodi Ping, Yongcai Wang*, Yu Zhang, Deying Li, Lihua Xie: Understanding Hidden Knowledge in Generic Graphs , in IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 2024. doi: 10.1109/TNET.2024.3364177 (CCF A)
• Shuo Wang, Yongcai Wang*, Xuewei Bai, Deying Li: Communication Efficient, Distributed Relative State Estimation in UAV Networks , in IEEE Journal on Selected Area of Communications, 2023. doi: 10.1109/JSAC.2023.3242708 (CCF A)
• Haodi Ping, Yongcai Wang*, Deying Li and Wenping Chen: Understanding Node Localizability in Barycentric Linear Localization, in IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 2022, doi: 10.1109/TNET.2022.3216204. (CCF A)
• Hongyu Sun, Yongcai Wang*, Xudong Cai, Xuewei Bai, Deying Li: ViPFormer: Efficient Vision-and-Pointcloud Transformer for Unsupervised Pointcloud Understanding. ICRA 2023: 7234-7242 (CCF B)
• Zhe Huang, Yongcai Wang*, Jie Wen, Peng Wang, Xudong Cai: An object detection algorithm combining semantic and geometric information of the 3D point cloud. Adv. Eng. Informatics 56: 101971 (2023)(CCF B)
• Wanting Li, Yongcai Wang*, Deying Li, Xiaojia Xu: A robust map matching method by considering memorized multiple matching candidates. Theor. Comput. Sci. 941: 104-120 (2023)(CCF B)
• Guoyao Rao, Deying Li, Yongcai Wang, Wenping Chen, Chunlai Zhou, Yuqing Zhu: Maximizing the influence with κ-grouping constraint. Inf. Sci. 629: 204-221 (2023)(CCF B)
• Guoyao Rao, Deying Li, Yongcai Wang, Wenping Chen, Chunlai Zhou, Yuqing Zhu: Online conflict resolution: Algorithm design and analysis. Inf. Sci. 651: 119718 (2023)(CCF B)
• Xiaojia Xu, Yongcai Wang*, Yu Zhang, Deying Li: A fault diagnosis method to defend scapegoating attack in network tomography. Theor. Comput. Sci. 939: 237-249 (2023)(CCF B)
• Yu Zhang, Qinhan Wei, Yongcai Wang*, Haodi Ping, Deying Li: GPART: Partitioning Maximal Redundant Rigid and Maximal Global Rigid Components in Generic Distance Graphs. ACM Trans. Sens. Networks 19(4): 86:1-86:26 (2023) (CCF B)
• Haodi Ping, Yongcai Wang*, Xingfa Shen, Deying Li, Wenping Chen: On Node Localizability Identification in Barycentric Linear Localization. ACM Trans. Sens. Networks 19(1): 19:1-19:26 (2023)(CCF B)
• Haodi Wang, Yongcai Wang*, Deying Li, Tianyuan Sun: Flipping Free Conditions and Their Application in Sparse Network Localization, IEEE Trans. on Mobile Computing, 2022, Vol.21, No.3, 986-1003, doi: 10.1109/TMC.2020.3015480 (CCF A)
• Guoyao Rao, YongcaiWang, Wenping Chen, Deying Li, Weili Wu: Union acceptable profit maximization in social networks. Theor. Comput. Sci. 917: 107-121 (2022)(CCF B)
• Xiujuan Zhang, YongcaiWang, Deying Li, Wenping Chen, Xingjian Ding: Self-stabilizing spanner topology control solutions in wireless ad hoc networks. Theor. Comput. Sci. 922: 395-409 (2022)(CCF B)
• Wenshuang Song, Yanhe Gong, Yongcai Wang*: VTONShoes: Virtual Try-on of Shoes in Augmented Reality on a Mobile Device. ISMAR 2022: 234-242 (CCF B)
• Xingfa Shen, Chuang Li, Weijie Chen, YongcaiWang, Quanbo Ge: Transition Model-driven Unsupervised Localization Framework Based on Crowd-sensed Trajectory Data. ACM Trans. Sens. Networks 18(2): 26:1-26:21 (2022)(CCF B)
• Chuanwen Luo, Deying Li, Yongcai Wang , Wenping Chen, Weili Wu: Fine-grained Trajectory Optimization of Multiple UAVs for Efficient Data Gathering from WSNs, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking.2021, Vol.29, No.1, 162-175, doi: 10.1109/TNET.2020.3027555 (CCF A)
• Ruidong Yan, Yi Li, Deying Li, Yongcai Wang, Yuqing Zhu, Weili Wu: A Stochastic Algorithm Based on Reverse Sampling Technique to Fight Against the Cyberbullying. ACM Trans. Knowl. Discov. Data 15(4): 71:1-71:22 (2021)(CCF B)
• Guoyao Rao, Yongcai Wang, Wenping Chen, Deying Li, Weili Wu: Matching influence maximization in social networks. Theor. Comput. Sci. 857: 71-86 (2021)(CCF B)
• Xiaohang Yin,Yongcai Wang*,Deying Li,Suvery of Medical Image Segmentation Technology Based on U-Net Structure Improvement,Journal of Software,2020, (CCF A, in Chinese)
• Tianyuan Sun,Yongcai Wang*,Deying Li,A Survey and Evaluation of Graph Realization Algorithms,ACTA AUTOMATICA SINICA, 46(4),613-630,2020,doi: 10.16383/j.aas.2018.c170561 (CCF A, in Chinese)
• Xingjian Ding, Yongcai Wang, Guodong Sun, Chuanwen Luo, Deying Li, Wenping Chen, Qian Hu: Optimal charger placement for wireless power transfer. Comput. Networks 170: 107123 (2020) (CCF B)
• Xingjian Ding, Wenping Chen, Yongcai Wang, Deying Li, Yi Hong: Efficient scheduling of a mobile charger in large-scale sensor networks. Theor. Comput. Sci. 840: 219-233 (2020) (CCF B)
• Xuehan Ye, Shuo Huang, Yongcai Wang*, Wenping Chen, Deying Li: Unsupervised Localization by Learning Transition Model. IMWUT 3(2): 65:1-65:23 (2019) (CCF A)
• Ruidong Yan, Yi Li, Weili Wu, Deying Li, Yongcai Wang: Rumor Blocking through Online Link Deletion on Social Networks. TKDD 13 (2): 16:1-16:26 (2019) (CCF B)
• Yongcai Wang*, Tianyuan Sun, Guoyao Rao, Deying Li., Formation Tracking in Sparse Airborne Networks, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (JSAC) 2018, Vol. 36, No.9, 2000-2014, doi: 10.1109/JSAC.2018.2864374 (CCF A)
• Tianyuan Sun, Yongcai Wang*, Deying Li, Zhaoquan Gu, Jia Xu., WCS: Weighted Component Stitching for Sparse Network Localization, ACM/IEEE Transactions on Networking (TON), 2018, Volume: 26 , Issue: 5 , Oct. 2018. doi: 10.1109/TNET.2018.2866597(CCF A)
• Xuehan Ye, Yongcai Wang*, Yuhe Guo, Wei Hu, Deying Li, Accurate and Efficient Indoor Location by Dynamic Warping in Sequence Type Radio-map, Ubicomp, Oct. 2018, Singapore. A)
• Zhixian Lei, Xuehan Ye, Yongcai Wang*, Deying Li, Jia Xu, Efficient Online Model Adaptation by Incremental Simplex Tableau, AAAI, 2017,2161-2167, San Francisco, California, USA (CCF A)
• Yongcai Wang*, Lei Song, S.S. Iyengar, An Efficient Technique for Locating Multiple Narrow-band Ultrasound Targets in Chorus Mode, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (JSAC) , Vol. 33, No. 11, 2343 - 2356, 2015, doi: 10.1109/JSAC.2015.2441379 (CCF A)
• Xiaohong Hao, Bangsheng Tang, Yongcai Wang*, On the Balance of Meter Deployment Cost and NILM Accuracy. IJCAI, 2015, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2603–2609, (CCF A)
• Xiao Qi, Yongcai Wang*, Yuexuan Wang, Liwen Xu, Compressive Sensing over Strongly Connected Digraph and Its Application in Traffic Monitoring, INFOCOM, Toronto, ON, Canada, 2014 (CCF A)
• Yongcai Wang*, Haisheng Tan, Distributed probabilistic routing for sensor network lifetime optimization. Wireless Networks 22(3): 975-989 (2016) (CCF B)
• Jiang Wang, Yuqing Zhu, Deying Li, Wenping Chen, Yongcai Wang, Joint User Attributes and Item Category in Factor Models for Rating Prediction. DASFAA (2016): 277-296 (CCF B)
• Xuehan Ye, Yongcai Wang*, Wei Hu, Lei Song, Zhaoquan Gu, Deying Li, WarpMap: Accurate and Efficient Indoor Locating by Dynamic Warping in Sequence-type Radio-map, (SECON2016), 2016. (CCF B)
• Yongcai Wang*, Lei Song, Zhaoquan Gu, Deying Li, IntenCT: Efficient Multi-Target Counting and Tracking By Binary Proximity Sensors, (SECON2016), 2016 (CCF B)
• Lei Song, Yongcai Wang*: Multiple Target Counting and Tracking using Binary Proximity Sensors: Bounds, Coloring, and Filter, (MOBIHOC 2014) (CCF B)
• Lei Song, Yongcai Wang*: Locating Multiple Ultrasound Targets in Chorus, (SECON 2014) (CCF B)
• Yongcai Wang*, Xiaohong Hao, Lei Song, et al. Monitoring Massive Appliances by a Minimal Number of Smart Meters, ACM TRANS. ON EMBEDED COMPUTING SYSTEMS,(TECS)Vol. 13 Issue 2s, January 2014 (CCF B)
• Tongyang Li, Yongcai Wang*, Lei Song, Haisheng Tan, On Target Counting by Sequential Snapshots of Binary Proximity Sensors. (EWSN 2015): 19-34 (CCF B)
• Yupeng Li, Haisheng Tan, Yongcai Wang, Zhenhua Han, Francis C. M. Lau: Selfish task-driven routing in hybrid networks. (WiOpt 2015): 387-394 (CCF B)
"Research on Environment Localization Perception of Mobile Robots in Dynamic Complex Scenes," Enterprise Horizontal Project, Project Leader, 11/2022-11/2023
"Research on High-Precision Point Cloud Map Construction and Visual Localization Navigation Methods," Key Open Topic of the Ministry of Public Security, Project Leader, 01/2023-12/2023
"Visual-based Airport Bird Detection System," Enterprise Horizontal Project, Project Leader, 01/2022-12/2023
"Key Issues in Group-SLAM Research Based on Module Stitching," National Natural Science Foundation General Project, Project Leader, (No. 61972404), 1/2020-12/2023
"Assisted Driving Decision System for Unmanned Intelligent Ships," Sub-project of the Ministry of Transport's National Science and Technology Support Program, Project Leader, 09/2019-12/2022
"Research on Fusion Optimization of Tightly Coupled Multi-source Synchronous Positioning and Map Building," National Natural Science Foundation Project, Project Leader, (No.62672524), 01/2017-12/2020
"National Science and Technology Support Program Project - Personnel Activity Detection Sensor Device Processing Contract," Sub-project Leader, (No. 2014BAK12B06), 01/2016-12/2016
"User Instantaneous State Analysis and Feature Classification Based on Portable Sensing Big Data," New Teacher Startup Project of Renmin University, Project Leader, (No.2015030273), 01/2016-12/2018
"Research on Sequence Decoding and Deployment Optimization Key Issues for Tracking Power Equipment Status in Sparse Multisensor Networks," National Natural Science Foundation Youth Fund, Project Leader, (No. 61202360), 01/2013-12/2015
"Research on Large-scale Wireless Localization and Self-Calibration Methods Based on Sequence Optimization," Ministry of Education Doctoral Fund, Project Leader, (No. 20120002120003), 01/2013-12/2014
"Intelligent Life Based on Intelligent Perception," International Cooperative Project with NEC Research Institute, Project Leader, (No. 041902003), 01/2013-12/2014
"Key Technologies Research on Load Balancing and Energy Saving in Wireless Sensor Networks Combining Compressed Sampling and Network Coding," National Natural Science Foundation, Backbone Project, (No.61073174), 01/2011-12/2013
Member, Intelligent Robotics Committee of the China Computer Federation (CCF) - Link
Member, DEDS Committee of the China Control and Decision Society (CCDCS) - Link
Member, Youth Committee of the Chinese Association for Artificial Intelligence (CAAI) - Link
Member, China Computer Federation (CCF) - Link
Publicity Chair, ValueTools 2021
Guest Editor, Sensors (CCF C class journal)
Program Committee Member, ICNT2022
Program Committee Member, International Conference on Networks, Communication and Computing 2019 (ICNCC2019)
Program Committee Member, International Conference on Big Data and Machine Learning 2019 (BDML2019)
Session Chair, IEEE Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE) 2016
Session Chair, IEEE Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE) 2017
Demo Session Chair, International Conference on Wireless Sensor Networks (CWSN) 2011
Program Committee Member, International Conference on Wireless Sensor Networks (CWSN) 2013
Program Committee Member, International Conference on Internet of Things (IThings) 2013
Reviewer for IEEE Transactions on Distributed Systems, ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks, Ad-hoc Sensor Wireless Networks, China Science F, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, CWSN, ICNSC, IThings, etc.
2024: Outstanding Master's Graduate Supervisor, Renmin University of China
2023: Outstanding Party Member of the Faculty of Information, Renmin University of China
2022: Advanced Individual in Scientific Research, Faculty of Information, Renmin University of China
2022: Second Prize for Scientific and Technological Progress, China Navigation Society
2021: First Prize for Technological Invention, China Navigation Society
2020: Major Technological Innovation Achievement in Transportation by the Ministry of Transport, Achievement No. 2020LW043
2020: Second Prize in the National Artificial Intelligence Teaching Practice Case Competition
2020: Top 10 Class Advisors, Renmin University of China
2019: Outstanding Master's Graduate Supervisor, Renmin University of China
2019: Outstanding Class Advisor, Renmin University of China
2019: Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching Award, Renmin University of China
2019: Best Conference Presentation Award at ICNCC2019
2019: Outstanding Graduate Supervisor, Renmin University of China
2018: Advanced Individual in Scientific Research, Faculty of Information, Renmin University of China
2011: Best Paper Award at CWSN (China Wireless Sensor Networks Conference)
2009: Best Paper Award at Ubicomm (International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing and Communications)
Department of Automation, Tsinghua University - Undergraduate
Department of Automation, Tsinghua University - Direct Ph.D.
NEC China Research Institute - Deputy Researcher
Institute for Interdisciplinary Information Sciences (IIIS), Tsinghua University - Postdoctoral Researcher
Institute for Interdisciplinary Information Sciences (IIIS), Tsinghua University - Assistant Researcher
Cornell University, USA - Visiting Scholar
School of Information, Renmin University of China - Associate Professor
Hiking, Badminton, Running, Playing Cards, Cooking, etc.